WORLD MALARIA DAY (25 April 2013)
Malaria is an infectious disease transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes and can affect all people, both men and women, of all ages from babies, children to adults.
Only the female Anopheles who suck the blood and carry Plasmodium sporozoites in the salivary glands that causes Malaria.
Various Malaria
1. Tropical malaria: Plasmodium caused by falcifarum
2. Tertian malaria: Plasmodium vivax is caused by
3. Malaria Quartana: caused by Plasmodium malariae
4. Ovale malaria: Plasmodium ovale caused by
Malaria Symptoms and Signs
1. Periodic high fever is usually accompanied by headache
2. Pale from lack of blood
3. Body feels weak
4. Decreased appetite
5. Nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting
6. In chronic condition, the above symptoms accompanied by enlargement of the spleen
7. On severe malaria, the symptoms accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness up to coma
8. In children, the younger the age makit no visible symptoms. But the standout was diarrhea (mencret0 and peaks due to lack of blood (anemia)
Signs of Malaria Mosquitoes
When perch / biting the head position is lower than the body (menungging).
Ways Malaria Prevention
1. Avoid / reduce mosquito bites
- Disposable Bed nets
- At night in the house
- Treating the body with anti mosquito
- Wearing mosquito coils or electric
- Attach wire netting on the windows and vents
2. Cleaning the resting places of mosquitoes to eradicate mosquito breeding den
- Clean grass and bushes on the edge of the water channel
- Folding the fabric (clothes) hanging
- Pursue state there is no place in the house is dark and damp
- Drain stagnant water
- Hoarding with soil / sand all the puddles around the house
- Keep corral of settlements
3. Kill adult mosquitoes by using insect toxins such as mosquito coils, spray, electrical and indoor residual sparying (IRS) and fogging.
4. Killing mosquitoes with larva-eating fish spread
- Fish head tin
- Tilapia fish
Danger Malaria
- Anemia (lack of blood) because red blood cells were destroyed, damaged or eaten by parasites
- In pregnant women, malaria can cause interference with ari / placenta.
- Blood vessels can be blocked so that the brains of people go crazy or die.
- And others.